What? Not another new pest? In fact, this is very probably not the last time we have to worry about new pests. Despite the best efforts of the regulatory agencies here and in other countries, eventually, we can expect non-native species of pests of all kinds to find their way to Canadian shores.
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Soil compaction is often thought of as a problem associated with perennial berry, grape or tree fruit plantations, in which equipment passes over the same places for many years...
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Did you know that Sluggo Slug & Snail Bail is now registered for use at only 11 pounds per acre? ...
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Potassium is a macro nutrient, required by all plants in considerable amounts, along with the other two macro nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus. While we know that, in general, potassium is important
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Before your corn grows too high (ie; past the “knee high” stage), you can determine exactly how much nitrogen your corn needs from this point on to the end of the season. The Pre-Sidedress Nitrate Test (PSNT) is used to give you an indication of whether or not to apply nitrogen at knee-high stage.
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If you have a drip irrigation system installed in your blueberry field, then you are one of an increasing number of blueberry producers switching to this “micro” form of irrigation. If you don’t have such a system, you should consider it. Aside from the benefit of efficiency, it is an ideal way to apply nutrients to your field.
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Like Blackheaded Fireworm and Tipworm, Girdler can cause significant damage in cranberry bogs. Adult moths appear in June, flying at night near the surface of the bog.
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For vegetable growers, sweet corn is a good rotational crop because there are a number of products that can be used in corn that also help break the weed cycle. However, weed control in early plantings can still be challenging as the weather can limit the number of opportunities to enter the field prior to planting.
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The best strategy related to planning how to feed your upcoming corn field is to take a soil sample and send it to the Plant Science Lab at TerraLink’s Abbotsford office. Not only will you be given an agronomic recommendation of how best to feed your corn, it has been proven repeatedly that a soil test saves you money. How?
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One of the most commonly-grown annual crops in BC is sweet corn. Producers probably see this as a simple crop, at which some summer cash can be easily made. Many first-time corn growers probably find themselves surprised, however, to discover sweet corn can sometimes be far from simple.
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This post is primarily about managing resistance of botrytis fruit rot to fungicides. Before we get into it, please remember that chemicals to control diseases, or any pests, are just one of tools producers can and should use.
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The Western Corn Rootworm (WCRW), Diabrotica virgifera is a major corn pest in the mid-west and eastern North American and is now confirmed as active in the central and eastern Fraser Valley in August 2016.
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Good post-harvest care of your fields, whether blueberries or raspberries, can have a positive effect on your yield and returns next year. The opposite is possible if you choose to do nothing.
Continue reading...DISCLAIMER: The information and recommendations in this blog are presented in good faith and for general information only. The information is believed to be correct as of the date presented. However, neither TerraLink Horticulture Inc. nor any of its supply partners makes any representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of any of the information. The reader assumes the entire risk of relying on the information.
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