Blog Posts

Summer to Fall Fertilizers

Summer to Fall Fertilizers


For landscapes needing a bit more fertilizer from mid Summer into Fall, you want to reduce the amount of nitrogen and increase potassium. Excess nitrogen too late in the season prevents your plants from hardening off properly in the fall and can lead to plant losses or damage from cold injury. Here are some recommended later summer / fall fertilizers for landscape plants and turf grass.

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Alternatives for Neonicotoids

Alternatives for Neonicotoids


With the recent prohibition of neonicotinoid pesticides and other various cosmetic herbicides by many municipalities in British Columbia and throughout Canada, landscapers and homeowners need to know the alternatives available for use in municipal and residential properties.

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Nematodes to Control Chafer and Leatherjackets

Nematodes to Control Chafer and Leatherjackets


The European Chafer was introduced sometime around 2001 and has become a serious lawn pest in the lower mainland. Their life cycle is completed in one year and their population can increase rapidly. Adults emerge from the soil in June to mate.

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DISCLAIMER: The information and recommendations in this blog are presented in good faith and for general information only. The information is believed to be correct as of the date presented. However, neither TerraLink Horticulture Inc. nor any of its supply partners makes any representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of any of the information. The reader assumes the entire risk of relying on the information.
