Enough Nitrogen?

Enough Nitrogen?

Before your corn grows too high (ie; past the “knee high” stage), you can determine exactly how much nitrogen your corn needs from this point on to the end of the season. The Pre-Sidedress Nitrate Test (PSNT) is used to give you an indication of whether or not to apply nitrogen at knee-high stage. The test can be done very quickly at the Plant Science Lab at TerraLink in Abbotsford. Samples should be taken when the corn is 8 – 10” in height. The results give you rapid accurate information about the nitrate status of your corn land so you can make economic decisions – to sidedress or not and how much?

Plan ahead if you need your rep to take samples. Or, bring your own soil samples in to the office in Abbotsford. Our own Plant Science Lab will have your result for you within hours.
